My name is Mick Geerits and I love creating. I design, strategize, visualize, make art, play piano, run, prototype, code, solder and engage in entrepreneurial activities. In my projects I work from a vision and strive for radical innovation by implementing cutting-edge technology.
Currently working as co-founder at Abnormal
Co-Founder abnormal
London-based computational Art & Design Studio
Lead cloud platform
Project management
Business development
Houdini(VEX & SOPs)
Design for Digital and Mass Manufacturing.
Houdini Technical Artist
Xbox Game studio
Cambridge, UK
Pipeline tools (PDG/Python)
Artist Tools (Unreal Engine)
Niagara (Simulation stages)
Houdini Engine
Substance Automation Toolkit
Growth Algorithms
Double master degree MSc/MA
Imperial College London
& Royal College of Art, UK
Project in Chile
Growth algorithms
Exchange Master Design
University of technology Sydney, Australia
Relevant courses:
Interactivation Studio
Design thinking
Film making
Junior consultant at Strategiemakers
Strategy Consultancy firm, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Design thinking
Creative processes
Business model innovation
Master Industrial Design
Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Honours Program
Exchange Sydney
Generative design
Minor Philosophy
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
As part of the Honours program
Philosophy of Science
Classical Philosophy
Philosophy of Ethics
Modern Philosophy
Intern at Hoog+Diep
Design firm, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
3D scanning
Research and development
System design
Co-founder of Panda Design VOF
3D print company,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
CAD Design
3D print expert
Web development